Jackie Loates
Proudly Serving: Sobeys National Pharmacy Group, Tahoe Office, Mississauga, ON
Position: Healthy Care Consultant
Core Value: Get It Done with Passion and Integrity
Jackie Loates is known for thinking outside the box, or in one case, inside the bus. She is lauded for coming up with innovative projects to help spread the word about Sobeys and its pharmacy services, including a unique partnership with the Toronto Transit Commission to ride the bus with seniors to chat about various health-care related programs at the store. “We all took our turn getting on the bus with seniors to discussing different topics and services we provide,” she says. “It was a lot of fun to ride along with the seniors and get a feeling for how they view Sobeys.” Loates, who has been in her current role for two years and with Sobeys for 14 years, is also credited for coming up with the Shop Where You Work program, which promotes employee use of the store pharmacy. The initiative has since been adopted in several provinces.