Kathy Pottle
Proudly Serving: Sobeys #0590 Long Pond, NL
Position: Admin 2nd
Core Value: Proudly Serve Our Communities
When a co-worker came up with the idea to raise money to send a local boy with cerebral palsy to Walt Disney World, Kathy didn’t hesitate to join in. “It is close to my heart because I have a daughter with cerebral palsy.” Kathy stresses that it was the entire store – and not just herself – that raised $10,000 in just 10 weeks. “It was amazing to hand that money over to him,” says Kathy. “It was the most rewarding thing I’ve done in my life.” Getting involved was an opportunity to give back, she says. “Someone did it for us once. When you are the family of someone with a disability, oftentimes you don’t get treated normally because there’s really not a whole lot of normal in your life.” Kathy has always relied on her co- workers for their support while facing her child’s illness. “Without my Sobeys family, I’m not really sure we would have got through it.”