Sobeys Value Champions

Regina Michetti

Regina Michetti

After working as a pharmacist at Sobeys for over a decade, Regina knows most of her customers by name and is dedicated to doing whatever she can to help with their health care. “Recently I had a customer with compromised renal function and she was prescribed something that wasn’t appropriate for her kidneys,” says Regina. “It was a long process to track down her physician, find an alternative, calculate the right dose and this all happened on a Friday evening.” Regina’s experience and knowledge prevented the customer from having a potentially fatal interaction with her other medications. The customer was so grateful for Regina’s help that she wrote an email commending Regina’s customer service and care. “My work ethic has been instilled in me by my parents and closely aligns with Sobeys’ values,” says Regina.

John McMillan

John is someone you can count on, whether it’s lending a hand at a new store opening or overseeing countless details during a time of crisis. After the Fort McMurray fires, John stepped in to help, starting with finding accommodations for employees when they returned. “I went to the campsite when everybody was coming in because I wanted to meet everyone personally and answer questions,” says John. “I didn’t want them to have a concern or a doubt.” Seeing his employees succeed is John’s favourite part of the job. “Working with people, coaching them, being able to give them positive feedback, seeing their face light up when they’ve been really working on something and then they get it, that’s why I go to work every day.” John, who started as a cashier in 1994, is proud that he has spent his entire career with the company. “I was only 16 when I was hired and for the longest time, I kept saying that one day I would get a real job,” laughs John.

Cedric Martin

It would be tough to find an employee as dedicated as Cedric. The 17-year-old young man, who is autistic, started on an eight-month co-op program as an Administration Clerk but made such a good impression he was hired after the program ended. “When we feel down on ourselves or we are having a bad day, Cedric helps out to put our lives in perspective,” states the nomination letter. Cedric is motivated and focused but also ready with a smile at a moment’s notice. He takes his work seriously and his dedication to customers is genuine. In fact, Cedric says that his proudest moment was helping a 105-year-old customer celebrate her birthday. Cedric has developed special relationships with many staff members and is quick to share a laugh and a joke with them. “My Sobeys is a very big family,” says Cedric.

Gregory MacQuarrie

Greg was nominated as a Value Champion for his work creating interfaces to help harmonize the forecast map and to load data into the application. According to the nomination letter, Greg has consolidated a week’s worth of work into just hours. “Greg makes our team feel like we are his only customers and we know this is far from the truth,” the nomination letter states. “He gives us the feeling of being supported and valued.” Solving complex issues is what drives Greg. “A good day is when there’s been a problem that has come across my desk and then there’s some resolution that has made the lives of people around me a little easier,” he says. “Best case scenario is you walk home and you’ve made a difference.”

Cheryl MacConnell

Cheryl’s first day at Sobeys was just before Mother’s Day and she found it exciting and energizing. “Sobeys is a place for me to grow and create and to be the best I can be as a manager and fellow employee.” Cheryl often goes above and beyond in both the floral department and other areas of the store for the customers. Her quick thinking and consideration prevented one of her customers from getting scammed when she noticed the woman about to buy several hundred dollars in gift cards. This was a situation that she quietly resolved as she professionally approached the customer and alerted management. “I want customers to leave satisfied and for new customers to return.”

Douglas Lynch

Doug’s advice to new employees is straightforward: “Have fun, that’s the most important thing,” he says. “It’s a people business. That’s what we do.” His proudest moment over the course of his 40-year career was becoming a store manager and it’s a role Doug still enjoys. “It’s a hands on position and you get to interact with great people every day and make a difference,” says Doug. He was nominated as a Value Champion for taking care of his staff and customers and for being approachable and patient with junior employees. “Doug is very passionate about the customer’s shopping experience,” states the nominating letter. “He is a real leader and wants to see each employee reach their potential.” That he was nominated by his department managers makes becoming a Value Champion even more special, says Doug. “What a huge honour it is.”

John Ly

John is known as a fair and effective leader and the key to that is motivating employees. “It takes different ways to motivate different people but once you find that out, it helps,” says John. As Regional Pharmacy Manager, John has excelled at helping his team be the best they can be. “What I like about this role are the daily challenges,” he says. “The ability and autonomy to make a difference and grow the pharmacy business.” John was nominated in part for helping the region achieve growth in prescription counts within eight months of taking over in his new role. The key, he says, is taking care of team members. “You have to engage them and that’s what Sobeys is good at doing.” And what motivates him? “What motivates me is knowing that there’s an opportunity to win,” says John. “Sobeys is a winner and I’m glad to be on the winning team. I want Sobeys to be an innovator and the leading grocer in Canada.”

Richard Lockhart

Ric will never forget June 16, 1987. “On my very first day on the job we were robbed at gunpoint and shots were fired,” says Ric. “I knew that day this was the job for me! It would never be the same day twice and it was exciting. And in the 30 years since, I’ve seen it all.” Not only is the job exciting but it is also rewarding, says Ric, who was nominated as a Value Champion for how he treated a customer when her husband died on New Year’s Day. When he learned of the man’s death, Ric went to the family’s home to deliver a care package and to offer his condolences. The gesture meant so much to the customer that she went to the store a week later to thank him. “I never dread going to work,” says Ric. “I really enjoy what I do. I feed off positive customer feedback and seeing employees succeed. That’s my high in life.”

Xiang (Ashley) Lian

Ashley is passionate about the well-being of her patients and fellow employees and her attitude and enthusiasm are infectious. “The best part of my job is getting up in the morning and going to the nursing home to do rounds with the physician,” says Ashley, who spends time both at long-term care facilities and at the pharmacy. Ashley is always ready to help co-workers with health-related questions. At a recent event at the Tahoe office in support of World Diabetes Day, an employee approached Ashley with concerns. Ashley helped him complete a CANRisk Questionnaire to identify his risk of diabetes and when the score indicated his risk was high, Ashley tested his blood sugar, which also was high. “I didn’t want to scare him, but I gave him some test strips to take home and I encouraged him to follow up with his family physician,” says Ashley. Being able to help co-workers and patients is very rewarding, says Ashley. “We are their partners in terms of health care.”

Nancy Johnson

Nancy’s passion for her job is infectious and her dedication is apparent but most of all, Nancy knows how to connect with people. “Nancy has been with Sobeys for over two decades, and still is our best teacher about how to have fun at work,” states her nomination letter. Ensuring that work is enjoyable is important, says Nancy, who calls her career a series of fortunate events. “Sometimes sharing a laugh helps start a really great conversation,” says Nancy. But make no mistake, Nancy, who has been called a “fierce and effective advocate” knows how to get things done. Highly organized, Nancy often take notes at meetings using four different coloured pens, each with its own purpose. But be sure to admire this dedication to organization from afar. “Should you ever borrow and not return one of her coloured pens,” states the nomination letter, “you’ll definitely experience some of Nancy’s passion.”