Sobeys Value Champions

Tanya Downes

Tanya Downes

“I have to be doing something, there is no idle time for me,” says Tanya. Tanya’s motto is to never let an opportunity pass you by and this is true in every aspect of her life. Tanya has been the charity captain for many years and is the SEA Coordinator. She spends hours researching, planning and preparing for events to make them unique, memorable and fun. Tanya makes crafts for the store’s charities, organizes raffles and hot dog sales to raise funds. She encourages colouring contests for kids knowing that they are the shoppers of tomorrow and will remember their pictures being hung in Safeway for everyone to see. Tanya’s sense of giving back comes from the heart. “My grandmother got polio and was in a wheelchair,” says Tanya. “I admire her because she never let being in a wheelchair stop her from doing the things she wanted. I try to be like her.”

Meghan Duke

This past spring, while Meghan was working, a freak storm slammed her community of Paradise, just outside of St. John’s. Coming out of nowhere, the wind picked up violently and with such force that even stop signs encased in concrete blocks were blown over. Since the ferocity and suddenness took everyone by surprise, shoppers were still heading out to their cars unaware that debris, including shingles from a nearby building, were being whipped across the parking lot. Concerned for their customers’ safety, Meghan and her co-worker Luke Hearn, began accompanying shoppers to their cars in order to personally load the groceries. When the wind became too much for that, Meghan and Luke instructed customers to pull up to the front of the store and remain in their vehicles while they loaded the cars. It was all in a day’s work, says Meghan. “That’s just who I am. I’m always willing to help out people.”

Adam Felker

For Adam, there is nothing more satisfying than being able to help colleagues. “You have to be able to explain things to people and break it down in terms that make sense to them,” says Adam. “When people tell me that I’ve achieved that, it makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something.” This ability to teach others served Adam well during the recent transition to the new RCS system. In one instance, he dropped everything to patiently walk a retail accountant through the new system during a two-hour phone call. He then followed up to make sure things were running smoothly and sent a follow-up email detailing how to avoid the problem in the future. “I love working for a national company,” says Adam. “It’s nice to talk to people on the other side of the country. There is always something new to investigate and discover, that’s something I enjoy — getting to the heart of the matter.”

Katherine Freeland

“See what needs to be done and do it,” says Kathy. This motto is how she approaches her work and any situations that she is faced with. Taking care of the customers is important to Kathy. When she heard that a customer had fainted in the dairy aisle of the store, she quickly took control of the situation. Kathy had another cashier paged, called for medical help, and rushed to help the customer. While the customer regained consciousness, Kathy sat on the floor next to her, keeping her calm, assuring her that help was on the way and staying with the customer until medical help arrived. Kathy was praised for staying level-headed in a stressful situation and making sure the customer would be okay. “I am proud to have been able to help her.” says Kathy. “Customers are the reason we are here.”

Julie Hamill

Julie is constantly looking for a way to better her environment and community. She often walks to work and in winter she can be seen pulling a sled piled with things to decorate the store for the monthly theme. In early December she tells the store manager if there is anyone in the community or Sobeys family that is having a hard time making ends meet. She then quietly arranges for items to be collected and made into a care package. Two years ago, Julie put in countless hours making bunny cookies and baskets for 130 people who came to the store for the staff Easter breakfast. “Integrity and enthusiasm are contagious,” Julie says. Julie is proud of her store where customers often come by boat to shop. “My Sobeys is unique because of its location, friendly because of the staff and an interesting place to work because of its diversity.”

Charles Hammel

Charles has been his store’s Cheese Ambassador for the past several years, bringing to his customers knowledge about the many products and how to incorporate them into recipes. “Much like wine, there’s far too much information about cheese for any one person to wrap their head around at a customer level,” says Charles. “Acting as a bridge between where customers are and where they want to be, that’s the fundamental goal.” The Cheese Ambassador program is a natural fit for Charles, who came to Sobeys with a professional culinary background. “I’ve always appreciated the craftsmanship of food as opposed to just the aesthetics and flavour experiences.” And what is Charles’ favourite type of cheese? “The one you are offering me,” he says.

Justin Hancharuk

Justin shows patience and goes above and beyond when he helps his customers. Justin always helps cashiers bag groceries, collects carts, fills baskets, wraps flowers, and helps customers out the door with their purchases. Justin demonstrated his commitment to his job and his values when he helped a gentleman in a wheelchair with his shopping. Justin took the man’s grocery list and took him around the store, helping to find everything on the man’s list. Justin even helped to bag the groceries, ensured they were secured to the wheelchair and escorted the man out the door to make sure nothing fell off. Justin’s manager says that if he could, he would have 10 Justins in his store as this young man is amazing at his job and never stops placing the customer first.

Susan Gates

Susan is determined and dedicated when it comes to implementing programs, supporting employees, and customer engagement. “I try to go to work with enthusiasm and I try to engage the staff and customers,” says Susan. She is quick to become involved on committees and projects and never hesitates to volunteer for community involvement initiatives, always supporting her co-workers when an extra hand is needed. When the engagement committee decided to create an employee of the month program, Susan took it upon herself to ensure that an employee was chosen and recognized properly every month. “I try to put myself in other people’s shoes,” says Susan. “I remember what it was like to be a cashier on your first day and how scary it is. I try to relate to the customers and the staff.”

Robert Carter

As a longtime employee of Sobeys, Rob is always willing to tackle whatever is necessary, both within the workplace and outside of it. Not only does Rob care about the store and the condition it’s in, but he also cares about the employees. Recently one of Rob’s co-workers was diagnosed with cancer and Rob’s caring nature made him want to lend a helping hand. Rob drives the co-worker to treatments on his days off and, if necessary, he will work split shifts to be available to drive. With a strong work ethic and willingness to get the job done, Rob does whatever it takes. “Even if we sold worms, I would still work just as hard,” he says.

Gregory Bursey

It’s important to Greg to reflect the values of his industry and of Sobeys. “The first pledge of the pharmacist code of ethics is to hold the health and safety of each client to be of primary concern,” says Greg. “This allows me to create strong relationships with customers and help promote customer loyalty.” Greg demonstrated that belief on one day in particular last year. A Sobeys customer had forgotten to pick up her prescription and when her husband arrived to pick it up, the pharmacy part of the store was already closed. The customer had a bad sinus infection and had to leave the province the next day. Greg was off for the weekend but after store staff texted him for help, he promptly replied back that he would there in 20 minutes. Sure enough, 20 minutes later, Greg came in and opened the pharmacy to give one very grateful customer a much- need prescription.